How can HR pros ensure dress code policies are equitable and culturally sensitive? What’s the best way to address violations? Is it okay for different departments to create their own guidelines? Honest HR’s newest host Nicole Belyna, SHRM’s director of talent, and Deron Lehman, CHRO of Barber National Institute, discuss strategies and best practices for how organizations can balance the need for professionalism in business attire with employee comfort and individuality. This podcast is approved for .5 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification. Listen to the complete episode to get your activity ID at the end. ID expires April 1, 2026 Subscribe to HR Daily to get the latest episodes, expert insights, and additional resources delivered straight to your inbox: --- Explore SHRM’s all-new flagships. Content curated by experts. Created for you weekly. Each content journey features engaging podcasts, video, articles, and groundbreaking newsletters tailored to meet your unique needs in your organization and career. Learn More:
How can HR pros ensure dress code policies are equitable and culturally sensitive? What’s the best way to address violations? Is it okay for different departments to create their own guidelines? Honest HR’s newest host Nicole Belyna, SHRM’s director of talent, and Deron Lehman, CHRO of Barber National Institute, discuss strategies and best practices for how organizations can balance the need for professionalism in business attire with employee comfort and individuality.
This podcast is approved for .5 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification. Listen to the complete episode to get your activity ID at the end. ID expires April 1, 2026
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Honest HR - Deron Lehman
Nicole Belyna: Welcome to Honest HR. I'm your host, Nicole Belyna. Today we're exploring workplace dress codes, and joining us is Deron Lehman, Chief Human Resources Officer of Barber National Institute. Welcome to Honest HR Darren.
Deron Lehman: Thank you, Nicole. I'm pleased to be here with you and the audience.
Nicole Belyna: And I am thrilled to have you to kick things off, why don't you tell us a little bit about your background in hr.
Deron Lehman: Sure. You mentioned where I currently work and my current organization, we do. Um, intellectual and, uh, learning disability services for folks with autism, uh, and behavioral health challenges. And prior to this, I've worked extensively in nonprofit space for-profit and the government sector. And I come from a broad background of operational support as well as HR support.
And like many folks in the audience, I probably fell into HR by accident because I was focused on business process redesign and efficiency. And I realized that people were underserved and that led me. Into HR to have the people lens on all of the things that I do.
Nicole Belyna: That's great. So today we're gonna talk about dress code. Um, is it important for workplaces to have a dress code?
Deron Lehman: Well, I think at its core it's about creating clarity and consistency and expectations. So for every organization, we want to create that clarity and consistency for employees. And I think in, in the case of address code, it should really be driven by need. So in some cases there's going to be differences amongst teams, but there are definitely, um, safety issues that come into play that we want to address as well as comfort and professionalism when it comes to address code.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah. And so, um, should an entire organization have one dress code or, I, and you kind of answered this, but it okay for different departments to create their own dress code?
Deron Lehman: I think it is okay to have differences if we can explain the why behind it and we be consistent. So, you know, for my case, we have different business lines within our organization. So in some areas. We have a uniform that's required. In other cases, it's much more professional and in some cases there's safety requirements that drive the dress code.
But we do clearly document each service line's, business dress code.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah, so. can organizations balance the need for professionalism while still allowing for employee comfort and individuality in their dress code policies? I.
Deron Lehman: Yeah, I think it comes down to including employees in the conversation. So when you're forming a dress code or revising address code, I. I think it's important to form employee groups and, and be inclusive to hear and understand what employees would like to see in the workplace based on the culture and their position requirements, and then allow employees to be part of that change.
Let them help draft the dress code if that that's appropriate for the culture, and ensure that employees understand the why behind the final dress code in case there are differences between what employees want and what the organization needs.
Nicole Belyna: Sure. And so, uh, you talked about, you know, being inclusive. how do dress codes intersect with inclusion and diversity?
Deron Lehman: Well, I think,
Nicole Belyna: go ahead,
Deron Lehman: should we pause and start over?
Nicole Belyna: sorry. Yep. How do dress codes inter intersect with inclusion and diversity? And what strategies can HR professionals use to ensure policies are e equitable and culturally sensitive?
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think it, you know, dress code really can be impacted by, by inclusivity, and there's a variety of factors that come into play. So again, I think it goes back to having employees be part of the change, as I referenced earlier and very clearly listening to the feedback that employees give you so that you're considering all.
Cultural or other aspects that they, that they bring to the table. And then, you know, in the final dress code, if it's plausible, allow for some variation in dress code. Obviously there are religious reasons or cultural reasons that, that your staff may want to dress a certain way, and it's important to be sensitive to that and allow for some neutrality in the dress code and allow for that.
I think as an undergird, just be sure it aligns with culture and provides a safe environment.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah, those are great points. Um, how did dress codes impact employee perceptions of company culture and values? And what role can HR play in aligning these perceptions with organizational goals?
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think you know, it, it speaks for dress code as well as other policies that, that a, the HR team may develop. But the more detailed, defined, and strict a policy is that sort of indicates what the culture may be like as well. You know, if it's a very lax policy, it also can, can relate to the culture.
So I think, you know, framing the, the PO dress policy. Around the cultural norm is a critical component, and then Align is aligning the policy so that the standards and the enforcement of the policy are uniform and again, reflective of the culture. So is it very strict or do we allow adults to have choices in what they do?
Nicole Belyna: Sure. Yeah, those are great points. And you know, earlier you mentioned dress code around safety, right? And then, uh, we've just addressed dress code as it relates to company culture. I. Earlier in my career, uh, I supported a number of retail organizations specifically in apparel where dress code, you know, really, uh, allows people to demonstrate their individuality and also their, uh, their alignment with the company culture and pride in the brand. Uh, so dress code really can be a factor of safety, you know, culture. Um, you know, and then as we mentioned. Ensuring that there's inclusivity and um, that we're being culturally, culturally sensitive as well.
Deron Lehman: That's a great point. I think brand comes into play and again, allowing for flexibility and whether it's casual Friday, jeans Friday and allow days. Days for branded wear is a really critical component because it really creates a sense of pride in the organization and culture. When you can gift employees apparel and they can display it.
Nicole Belyna: There you go. Have you observed general generational differences in attitudes toward workplace attire? You know, maybe, uh, you know, you have some employees who veer who feel that the dress code should be more strict or more lax, and if so, how should HR address these differences when shaping dress code policies?
Deron Lehman: Sure. You bring up a great point and you know, there's of course the, the stereotype that an older generation wants to be more formal and thinks we should be business formal in the office all the time. And in some cases that stereotype is true and in some cases they're not. But absolutely reflecting on generations as well as the other cultural norms are a critical component when it comes to formulating the dress code.
And I think you deal with it just like you have the rest of the. The factors you evaluate and, and ensure that we communicate the why behind the final dress code. But ultimately, being neutral in the dress code is the most appropriate because it does allow employees to bring their individual approach to it regardless of of their age, generation, or styles.
Nicole Belyna: So we're seeing an increasing shift to hybrid, uh, and remote work environments. How should organizations rethink dress codes to fit in these new workplace dynamics?
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think that brings a lot of changes to the workplace dress code, not being standing alone. But, you know, I think the, the, the undergird for, for all of the dress code is to be consistent. So whether you're on screen, working from home, a coffee shop, or, or in the office, the dress code needs to be uniformly, um, administered.
I think, you know, we need to consider the fact that people want to be comfortable, so whether they're in the office or at home. Let them be comfortable and you know, again, there's all the, the discussion about people maybe being very formal up top in a dress shirt and tie and sweatpants, you know, down below are shorts, come summer And, you know, I think that's okay.
You know, let people, you know, represent themselves as they want and be comfortable. Just stay off camera if you're in shorts.
Nicole Belyna: There you go. can h HR approach dress code changes such as, um, tr transitioning to a more relaxed, or, you know, you mentioned comfortable or remote friendly standard without causing confusion or pushback among employees.
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think documenting how the, the requirements are critical. So to go back, you know, employees want to be included in change and to get early buy-in from employees can be critical. So let the employees be part of that change process, provide comment, even help draft. Address policy if, if appropriate, and then be sure that you over communicate.
You know, the, the greater clarity we create, um, the more impactful it will be in understanding. And I also think, as with any policy, it's important to train managers first because managers ultimately are responsible for administering and enforcing the dress code on, on a daily basis. So being sure that they're clear on the expectations will help create clarity amongst their team.
Nicole Belyna: That's a great point. Um, you know, in some organizations I've seen where they give. Examples of what they want their dress code to look like. So it's not just a policy, but there's also, you know, kind of recommendations, um, of apparel. What, what is your take on that?
Deron Lehman: I think it's great. I think we want to use stock photos and not necessarily employee photos for that, but I've worked in an organization where we also did a bit of a fashion show when we'd have an all employee meeting, you know, and we do that time typically at the change of season, so especially before summer, when you know, shorts may be worn in the outside world, but not the employment world.
Um, just to reinforce the message and then they do get to see their peers, you know, buying into the, the, the culture and the dress code and, and really looking up to them for that.
Nicole Belyna: Right. What are some of the challenges HR teams face when handling dress code violations and how can they address the situations while promoting fairness and respect?
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think that, you know, some of the, the, I. The issues that HR faces is, is when managers don't uniformly administer the dress code. And it could be different managers on different teams, but they have the same dress code. So it's important that those managers uniformly address it across teams, but especially within a team, you know, oftentimes there's a manager who can show favoritism or they don't recognize that they're showing favoritism to some employees over others.
So it's important to coach managers on. That uniform enforcement. I also think it's very important to, um, listen to feedback that employees give. So if you're calling an employee, and of course do do the conversation in private, you never wanna do it in public, but, you know, question the employee. Ask them if they understand the dress code and ask them why they dress in a certain way.
Help them understand the gap between what's expected and what they're they're wearing, or what choice they've made to help them make better decisions when it comes to the dress code for the future, not just for that timeframe. I.
Nicole Belyna: And something that I've seen in my career is, um, you know, a people manager might come to me and say that they have a dress code issue with an employee on their team. And you know, as I talk through this situation with the people manager, we discover that it's not necessarily that the employee is out of dress code, but rather, um, it's a matter of taste from the people manager's perspective. And so how do you. can you coach a people manager, uh, through that situation to help them understand the difference between dress code and, you know, perhaps trying to police people's fashion at work?
Deron Lehman: Well that the fashion crisis is a real one in, in today's world. So I think it's really important what, especially going back to the conversation about, you know, having the fashion show or showing examples of.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah.
Deron Lehman: Of, of dress code. I think it's important to have a variation in what's acceptable and not just pull today's fashion, you know, so you could have a seventies outfit or you know, an eighties outfit along with a today outfit and, you know, demonstrate that to the employees and managers.
And then of course, coaching the manager through maybe not criticizing their style of dress. But talking about what, how we can be inclusive in the work environment and that it's not a fashion choice, but address code based on, on the standard and professionalism.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah. Yeah. I think that also go, goes back to inclusivity too, right? Um, keeping, staying focused on what's in the dress code versus, uh, personal judgements.
Deron Lehman: Absolutely, you know, stick to the script if you will. So focus on the dress code and, and allow people to have choices and flexibility when it comes to that.
Nicole Belyna: Great. And so what are two to three pieces of advice HR team should keep in mind when drafting and enforcing dress code policies?
Deron Lehman: Sure. I think that, you know, being inclusive is the critical component. You know, incorporating employees and managers into the change or the initial draft is, is a critical component. We want people to buy in, and if we don't include them, they'll feel blindsided. So that's a critical first step. The second point I would say is be intentional.
So whatever the final dress code is. Have a strong why behind it. So whether there's differences among different service lines or a uniform code, be able to explain if there are differences across teams or why it's uniform and, and maybe strictly enforced. And then I think, you know, show support for managers.
Teach and empower your managers to enforce the dress code to fully understand the dress code nuances that may come into play. Be sure they understand inclusivity and individuality, and then help them as a. As a backstop for them, not, not enabling them by bringing issues to you, but empowering them to deal with issues on the front line in a consistent manner.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah. That's great. So, um, just to recap, it sounds like you know, your three pieces of advice focus on. Being inclusive, uh, in the messaging, you know, including employees in crafting or updating the dress code. Uh, and providing transparency would be the next one. And then, um, and, you know, ensuring that it aligns with, uh, with an organization's culture.
Deron Lehman: Absolutely. I think cultural pieces are the foundation for all the policies, so I think it's important that the dress code reflect that because people will align, you know, they, they come into an organization to be part of the culture and dress code should align with that.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah. Yeah. And I love the last thing that you said about, um, you know, reinforcing with people, managers. I think having, you know, a few different ways of how you communicate the dress code. Giving the coaching to the people managers so that they understand the dress code from a people manager perspective, and also coaching them on, you know, how they might address, uh, any dress code issues within their team. Is, is also very sage advice for sure. Getting their buy-in.
Deron Lehman: Absolutely, and that applies for all policies. And you know, as HR, we need to empower managers more. This is one great avenue to do that with.
Nicole Belyna: Absolutely. Okay. Anything else? Any key takeaways, uh, you wanna share about dress code?
Deron Lehman: Yeah, I think overall I would just refresh your dress code periodically, you know, whether it's in, in a engagement survey or a pulse survey. Check in on dress code periodically, just to be sure that it's still aligned and appropriate and that there aren't nuances that come up. And you know, we, as we discussed earlier, we don't need to reflect style changes, but certainly job changes and industry changes can, can impact.
And we don't often think of that, you know, when things. Happen on the front line that we're not aware of in HR because we're, we're functioning behind the scenes in most cases.
Nicole Belyna: Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well that's gonna do it for this week's episode of Honest HR. A big, big thank you to Darren for sharing his deep insights with us. Thank you, Darren.
Deron Lehman: Thank you, Nicole, and thank you to your audience.